In-person comprehensive birth classes in private or group settings.

Birth is unpredictable, but the decisions you have to make are not.

This is why good birth education and preparation are essential for better outcomes and better beginnings for your new growing family. Unmet expectations, lack of participation in the decision-making process, feelings of regret, and the all too common “would-of, should-of, could-of”s plague birth experiences, leading to a high percentage of disappointment and dissatisfaction in the overall birth experience. While every birth is a unique and unpredictable in nature, the decisions all birthing families may be faced with along the way are not. Education leads to a sense of prepardness, which leads to a sense of confidence, which leads to a sense of control, which leads to higher satisfaction and a better start to parenthood.

In-person comprehensive birth classes in private and group settings will be available later this year. Currently, basic childbirth education can be provided for Better Beginnings Birth clients in additional prenatal meetings. Reach out to learn more.